Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Monkey...

I can barely believe that it's been five years since he was born. He's no longer a baby or a toddler. He's a kid now. He'll be going to kindergarten next year. However, he still likes to cuddle every now and then. I've been on the verge of tears for the last couple days. Some of it has been frustration with not knowing what to do about The Scientist's anxiety, but I think some of it is also that Monkey is five...a whole hand!

For The Scientist's fifth birthday, we had a HUGE party at The Heights. For Monkey, we're having a party at The Heights, but we haven't had the time or the energy to make it as big as it maybe could have been. For that, I'm sorry. I'm sure he'll have a blast, because that's the kind of kid that he is. I know that I'm doing things for all of us that, in the long run, will be totally worth it. I still worry about what we're having to give up now. These moments pass so quickly. I swear I'm doing the best that I can, and I hope that one day, the boys will be able to look back and appreciate it.

So here's my favorite picture of him at the moment. I think it expemplifies his spirit; on the go, happy, outgoing.


Morgan said...

Beautiful. Handsome.

TMA said...

I was at a lecture once about medical marriages and their special issues. Some are not so special, such as never having enough time. The research they did found that kids rarely said they wished their parents spent more time with them. Most often they highly ranked spending the time they do have, well...meaning, when you are with them, be with them...no computer, phone, etc distracting you and being only half there. Made me feel better about being pulled different ways. They will be fine because when you are with them...you do great stuff with them.

And, yes...the whole Bumblebee turning 5 thing has me ruffled, too.

Elizabeth Frick said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. Your love for your boys come across so clearly in your blog and on FB. And if I can sense it from the little snippets of your life I am witness to, then I guarantee those kiddos of yours know it for sure! :)

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

Freaking FIVE! I can't believe it.