Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Never Ending Toilet "Issue"...

So growing up my brothers must have been good "shots" while aiming at the toilet or my mom cleaned up after them and never complained about the pee everywhere. (She had redeeming qualities even if I don't remember most of them.) Maybe the two potty training charges that I've undertaken reflect badly on me...or is it their dad??? He's not so bad at aiming, for the most part and he likes to blame it on the boys, but he does leave dribbles underneath the seat.

Maybe since I never had to lift any part of the lid growing up it was unbeknownst to me the disgusting crusty pee ridden area that is the underside of the the seat. It wasn't until Monkey started using the toilet that I've had to clean the outside and back of the toilet everyday. Or did I just not do it when White Belt started? That would have smelled bad though, right? Not to mention I sometimes have to clean the wall and cabinet on occasion. I've also heard Dirty complaining that in a group peeing session that Monkey completely bypasses the toilet and is peeing on his pants leg. (this happens since we only have one bathroom and sometimes everyone cuts that time close...sadly including us. Although I'm not able to partake of the group peeing seeing as I take up the entire toilet ;^)

How much more can I explain to a three year old that you must pull down your pants low enough below your parts so that your pee doesn't shoot straight into the air. I've explained as much as I possibly can. He's not one of those kids that has to completely unrobe to go to the bathroom. He just wants to be in and out as quickly as possible. That and the fact that I don't have the same equipment. I guess I have to resign to the fact that I will be cleaning the toilet daily for the rest of my life. Thank God for disinfecting wipes!!!


HalfPint said...

Amen - the thought of three boys peeing is why I am not pushing Babers to do a thing yet.

Anonymous said...

Mom did clean it up...smiles..xo

Me said...

And without complaint...that I ever remember. Although she wasn't too happy when the urine had corroded the metal and the old seat wouldn't come off during a replacement. She ended up breaking the entire toilet and having to replace that.

Morgan said...

It doesn't change. The "old" guys still miss.
