Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day...

Today is the day. Get out and vote today. My MOMS Club is finally implementing my idea for helping each other out on election day by watching each other's kids. I guess now it's something that helps out a bit more since our monthly meetings are on Tuesdays. When I suggested it a couple years back no one was interested.

I have been known in the past to complain about taking my kids with me, but I generally don't mind taking them with me to the polls. The Scientist gets to vote at school, and I think it's good for him to get to see the real thing. Originally, this year I was going to go after I finished my classes. I've decided to go ahead and take them before we all head to school. We drive right by my polling place anyway. I've already researched my ballot and have filled out the sample so that I can get through it quickly.

I'm excited this year to see the results. I don't really talk about my actual political views but I do have opinions. I will say that I do not like receiving forwards of other people's political opinions. The truth of the matter is that everyone votes according to what they feel are the issues that are most important to them. My important issues, that I don't mind sharing, are the economy and the environment. So do I want to get e-mail forwards about how Obama is a terrorist and couldn't be his own secret service agent if he were to be elected president or how he practically performs partial-birth abortions himself...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! No matter who takes office the results of their efforts won't be immediate. We are still a nation of over-the-top-everything.


HalfPint said...

So how long was your wait? My dad waited 2 hrs, my mom waited 3.5 hrs. Here I waited 5 min. and Dave waited 15 min. But I did hear that more "in" town they had some waits of 1 hrs.

Me said...

I waited about 45 minutes to sign in and then another 5 for a voting machine. I could have done a paper ballot but the boys were more interested in the machine.