Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Note to Self...

When your four-year-old decides that he would like to "trade" his brand new Transformer for a different Transformer with someone, that you know, you probably won't see again for a while, DO NOT DO IT!!!! He will hound you constantly to call the other person's mom to facilitate a trade back. Once you call the other person, know that they will not answer their phone and you might not speak to them, or hear from them, for quite some time. And yet, you will have to listen to requests, try to rationalize to and explain to aforementioned four-year-old, that, no, when you left the message it was to ask for a trade back. The message was not left to tell them to run the wanted toy right over as soon as possible. Furthermore, don't let this happen the day before a 14.6 mile bike ride, because you will still have to come home, make dinner, do laundry, change sheets, give baths, and deal with silly-in-the-head boys all night after said bike ride and will be completely worn out and not in the mood or have the patience.

I know you are an intelligent person, but letting your four-year-old run the show in that situation was not an intelligent decision. Now go hit the showers! You are a little gross. Oh, and don't forget to get the dry clothes out of the dryer, fold them, and put the wet sleeping bag into the dryer before it mildews. Even if you're tired, you still have to keep that laundry moving forward. You are running low in the clothes department. After those two things, you should go relax in bed with that book that you're supposed to have read by next Tuesday for book club.

1 comment:

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

My dad would NEVER let me trade a toy. Woooo, buddy, that would land me in trouble-city!