Monday, August 18, 2008

I passed my appeal, lazy day, reading juvenile literature...

This is kind of a school update. I got my appeal approval in the mail today. I've been given the okay to receive financial aid. YAY!!! The boys also had their first day of school today. I'll update on the specifics of that later. I spent most of the in a chair reading a book. I got the last installment of the Twilight series this weekend and am a little more than halfway through the book. It is SOOOOOOO good! TMA if you read this and would like to borrow the book you are more than welcome. I should be way done with it by the time you get home from yet another (wink) of your trips. I'm going to go read my book again.


TMA said...

I LOVE YOU!!! I SOOOO want to read it when I get back (friday BTW).

Me said...

It's yours. It is SOOOOOOOO good!!! I don't think you'll be disappointed. Let me know when and I'll drop it off at your place.