Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So there's some good news and some bad news...

The bad news is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince "the movie" has had it's release date pushed back to something like next June/July. This really stinks but I think I read something about how this makes the last three Harry Potter movies come out closer together. That's good right?

The addititonal good news is that because the Harry Potter movie has been pushed back to a later date Twilight, the movie, is getting pushed up to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

I am excited. However, is any of this at all relevant considering the last movie I saw in a theater was Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix? I've wanted to see a few movies since then and just haven't. I guess I'm excited for all those people that spend their extra money on going to see movies in the theater. I wish I had extra money to spend on that stuff. This is all I have to think about since I am all wired for some odd reason. I am not tired at all...I guess I'll go watch some more tv. I turned it off in hopes of feeling more tired. It didn't work.

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