Monday, August 4, 2008

Summer is winding down...

Well we've made it through two months of summer break!!! It was getting a little hairy mid-July. Then Yellow Belt started summer camp and for something that was supposed to make him a happier person he was really getting on my nerves throughout the experience. I know that sounds really awful but he was so tired which made him crabby. He was talking back and whining and being mean to Monkey. He was really quite unpleasant. I made a promise to myself to make sure that we actually do start up our bedtime routine that there are just a couple of weeks until school starts. (Insert gasp here) I'm excited for the boys to start school. I'm hoping that with routine Monkey's potty-training regressions will stop completely. He's almost earned the Transformer that's been sitting on top of the upper kitchen cabinets (the only place he can't get to yet...well he probably could but that's something I listen for) for of couple weeks now. And since there are only two more weeks of summer break left for them I really want to enjoy them.

Today Yellow Belt had breakfast in bed while Monkey barged into my bedroom demanding that I "get out from under those sheets. Come into the kitchen and made me some breakfast as well. I want cocoa pops and milk in a bowl with a spoon and milk in a cup with a lid as well." ("As well" is his new favorite phrase.) I told him I was getting out of bed for no less than him asking politely for his breakfast. The first time he asked politely he did it with many "hmphs" and a little pouty attitude (thanks to Yellow Belt's example) which I told him wouldn't cut it. So then he asked nicely and I got out of bed. It's made me realize how nice it is that Yellow Belt doesn't like to eat right away when he wakes up and will play quietly by himself until I'm ready to get out of bed. Monkey has never given me that luxury.

One thing I did like about Yellow Belt being in camp, and so busy the last two weeks, was that I was alone with Monkey a lot with no interruptions. He's going through this "using big vocabulary" phase which is extremely cute. Even though he can be challenging sometimes he also really enjoyed being "the only child". Now I know that I've spent a lot of time with him in the past three and a half years but this summer it's been all three of us. Plus Monkey is at this really cute age where he has a lot to say and he has the language skills to do so. Monkey really gets a kick out of being funny. It's not really a making jokes funny but more him telling stories or using phrases that you would really expect to hear from a three year old. He's also really cuddle-y. He likes to tell stories. Unfortunately they mainly have to do with Transformers but he does add in other characters. It's really a lot of fun to hear him talk. I guess because I spend so much time with him that I understand him really well. I think he talks pretty clearly but most times I have to translate for others...or at least give them a general idea of what he's talking about (the topics aren't exactly varied). I guess it helps when you have a starting point.

I can't believe there are only two weeks left of summer vacation...

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