Friday, July 25, 2008

Working out...

I haven't blogged about working out in a while. I have been working out but my topics seemed a little too boring. Not that they are spectacularly exciting but I thought those that read might not be too into hearing how often or what I'm doing to work out. However, like I said, I have been working out. I've been walking a lot even in the heat of the St. Louis summer. Not so much this week but there were other factors in this last week...physically speaking. Also for at least the last month I cut out the cardio portion in my bellydancing/strength training work out. I did that mainly because of the walking so much. You will find the video that I use on the second "here" of this post. I found that when I cut out the cardio portion I was more likely to fit in more of the muscle toning portion throughout my week which is what I feel I need the most. I've been doing approximately 70-90 minutes throughout the week. Each targeted section is 10 minutes. I do seven different routines (arms, chest and back, hips and waist, abs 1, abs 2, legs and butt 1, legs and butt 2)mixed and matched usually three each day I work out.

I've noticed, of all things, that my neck seems to be getting slimmer. I guess because I'm building up my trapezius muscle between the arms and abs workouts. I'm still seeing definition like before. I don't know if it's necessarily more. Since I still haven't lost any weight there's still that layer of fat covering everything. I feel stronger, and I'm getting through the routines completely. It seems easier to push through them and and really perfect the moves even though my muscles might still be sore from the day before. I also feel like my body wants to be in a perfect posture when I'm sitting throughout the day. I don't always feel that way by the end of the day when I'm tired though.

I think that's enough. I have about 50 minutes until I need to pick up Yellow Belt and his friend, NR, at day camp. I think I'll read. I really want to finish The Amber Spyglass already. I want to know what happens but have been a little bored with the plot. I have a new book that I want to start that my friend TMA let me borrow. So it would be nice if I'd just finish this book already.


HalfPint said...

I admire your ability to work out at home. The most I can do is crunches here - we go to the gym or bike the country rodes. The kids are entertained either way and not trying to "help" me. Keep up the Good work!! I am right behind you - biking has been great in this weather.

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

Me? I'm not exercising so much these days.

Me said...

I'm hoping to keep it up once I start some classes. We'll see...