Monday, October 20, 2008

Who Knew...

I would be so excited about one measely day off...which is tomorrow...from school. I have one whole day off to do whatever I freaking want. It is Monkey's birthday so part of the day I will be making cupcakes. The other part I guess I should use studying or catching up on my research for my research paper. That reminds me that I have to have a rough draft of my Literary Analysis paper for Thursday. For some strange reason I feel like I should go to Target. I may do it just to appease the spirits that are inspiring me to do it. I also have to go to the grocery store because I have decided to make chili for dinner tomorrow. We are meeting some friends at TG Park for the above mentioned cupcakes after school tomorrow. Other than that the day is open. Both boys are hoping to be sick so that they can stay home and it's only helping that I don't have somewhere to be as well. Now I'm going to get off of here. Sebastian just let loose a deadly gas and if I don't evacuate the area I may suffocate. YUCK!!!

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