Monday, March 3, 2008

Should I count it???

Last week for my number six workout I did a yoga for weightloss dvd. Now I really needed this because I needed a good stretch. Yoga is also a pretty calming workout. But I don't know if I should count it for one of my 30 Pilates routines. It doesn't integrate as much ab workout as Pilates. It does require you to pull in your abs. I don't feel like it works your abs as much though. I just don't know.

The last two weeks I've been so so so sore. Saturday and Sunday were the first two days that I didn't feel that soreness as intensely as it has been. I did a Pilates routine today I felt pretty strong doing it. I didn't feel as tight in my hamstrings and shoulders. This, I guess, would be counted as six if I don't count the yoga. I don't think I'll count the yoga. Either way I still am feeling good. I'm looking forward feeling even better and stronger.

1 comment:

Me said...

I decided not to count it. :D