Thursday, April 17, 2008

Count it...

Number 22 and 23 completed last Friday and Today. I was a little upset when I talked with my friend, JL, and she said her clothes are fitting better and that her appetite has been suppressed some. So it's now Thursday, almost a week since I worked out last, and I still feel strong when I do it. My clothes are fitting ehhh. I've been eating like crap. I haven't been drinking enough water. My kidneys are sore today after two days of drinking soda which I have not been drinking for quite some time. I've been trying to drink more water today. I've really just had NO energy for the last week. I guess it's because of the no working out. I could blame it on hormones but I did that last weekend and it shouldn't be off that long...should it? Oh and I'm trying to remember that JL is going three or four times a week for 90 minutes at a time. I'm only doing 30-60 minutes depending on which workout I do. And she's in a really hot room and sweating that whole time as well. I'm guessing that that kind of work out would really detoxify your body since you drink so much water and sweat out all those toxins. Also it's yoga and there are a lot of positions that help your organs expel those toxins. If I had two things I could do the same thing she's doing: 1.) time- if I have to leave the house without the boys it won't happen 2.) money- I don't have $17 a class to spend on workouts. Enough of my pity party. I have to go to the bus stop.

1 comment:

HalfPint said...

Did you know that Shannon S. used to be a yoga instructor? She would probably work something out with you to do some yoga with her. Perhaps a swap of some sort?