Tuesday, April 15, 2008

T-Ball has started...

Yellow Belt started T-Ball and had his first practice yesterday. I was worried that he really only likes batting and isn't as "into" catching and throwing. He seems to be at the same skill level as most of the other kids though so that was nice to find out. He had a lot of fun even though four of his friends weren't even at the practice. He was also extremely excited that the team name is Dragons. Luckily, we registered with a school that has a cool animal story behind it's saint. :D

We'll see how scheduling goes. Between this and Tae Kwon Do every week he will have some sort of practice or game four nights a week until June. Each activity only lasts about an hour though. And there will only be one week where he will have to miss any Tae Kwon Do. And I think it's really worth it since he's enjoying himself so much.


HalfPint said...

SMS rocks - is there anyone you know on the team?

Me said...

Well I am going to reply to you personally because I don't want to name any names. I was wanting to do that with you since we started extra-curriculars at SMOS to dish about the parents. ;^)