Thursday, April 24, 2008

Note to Self...

Would you quit doing that belly dance routine in your socks on the carpet?!?!? You're wearing holes into the bottom of your socks and there are MANY other things that you need, clothing-wise, instead of buying new socks. That and the fact that it can't possibly be that attractive to belly dance in your socks anyway. SO KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!!!


Anonymous said...

Girl, I am super proud of you and your workout routine. I read your blog about 1 time per week and I become more and more inspired each time I read it. Keep it up!!! I am starting Yoga classes on May 5th with my gf in MN- Yay (but boy, they sure are expensive)!

Hope you and the house full of boys are doing well!

Are you going back to school for nursing? I think that is fantastic!!!

Me said...

To Carice...Thank you. I'm glad that you find it inspiring. Are you going to do the Bikram Yoga? My friend Jeannette Eats Spaghetti raves about it. The classes are cheaper the more you buy but I can't afford to buy very many at any one time. So, yes, they can be pretty expensive.

Everyone is doing well aside from the mouse infestation. It's stressing and freaking all of us out...a lot!!!

I am planning on starting school this fall and it will be for nursing. It's a little scary but that just means that it will cause me to grow. :D

Take care.