Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I must write about voting...

Apparently almost everyone that I know who blogs wrote about voting. Unfortunately, my internet was/is down while they work out us not having a landline anymore. I was only able to check e-mail and browse the internet through a handheld wireless device. So I will write a little something about voting. I went thinking, "No problem. I will be in and out in five minutes." It ended up being ten and the ladies working the check in were a little frustrated and taking it out on us the humble voters. When I came in there was only one lady working the table checking people in. There was a guy sitting there as well but apparently he was just on his lunch break and another lady but her only job was to hand people their ballots. So the lady working was trying to explain to someone the protocol for change of address and giving very confusing directions how to get to the correct polling place. The second lady was apparently checking people in for curbside voting. I did not know before yesterday that there was such a thing.

So once she came back in the lady that was already working the table went into a story about how exactly she was helping the change of venue voter...which took about three minutes. There were two ladies in front of me. (Three if you count the lady on her cell phone that I cut in front of because I figured she couldn't go through the process while talking on the phone. That would be rude of her, right?) Once the lady who left for the curbside voting came back in things started going more quickly.

Although after waiting so long the lady in front of me was asked to remove her Obama pin from the lapel of her coat. She said that's fine. Then she turned around to us, her fellow voters, and opened her jacket to show a large Obama head across her torso. The lady working said, kind of rudely, that it's the law and it would be illegal for the lady voting to keep the pin on in the voting area. Thus concludes my voting story. I know that 10 minutes is not that long in the grand scheme of things. I was still slightly early for preschool pick-up to get Monkey and his friend MR. It was a little tough trying to explain to her why I was picking her up, which was so her mom could go vote with only one child.

Even though I'm not well versed in anything political and really I just went on intuition I was still excited about voting. I feel blessed that we get to vote even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it really matters. I have the probably naive view that somehow it does. Every time I vote I think I should really make my vote count and be more informed. I think I'm getting slightly better. It's just not something that I'm extremely interested. If it were a firsthand account of one of the biggest disasters on Mt. Everest, at this point in time, I would have been more interested in reading up on the topic. More on that later perhaps. Anyway I hope everyone, especially any ladies out there, used their right to vote. And now before the cheesy music starts playing...

1 comment:

HalfPint said...

Personally I think that regardless of WHO a person voted for yesterday - that it is during our lifetime to have the opportunity to vote in an election where the choices are an African American man or a Woman are amazingly wonderful!!!

I tried to impress that upon SuperStar - that you are living when the first woman has officially run for president (since technically a black man has run for nomination before) - she seemed indifferent - I told her to write about it in her diary.