Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pinewood Derby 2008

White Belt had his first Pinewood Derby this year for Cub Scouts. He was so excited to race and absolutely sure that he was going to win a trophy for something. To start with every boy weighs in his car, and it has to be judged to make sure that it is under five ounces. Once the official weigh-in was over each den took turns racing each other. Every scout got four chances to race on four different tracks. White Belt's car wasn't really doing so great. He did win one race but the race was disqualified because one of the other cars jumped the track. Dirty, who was a judge, said that if that race hadn't been disqualified White Belt could have gotten second place for his den. BUT the race didn't count so White Belt didn't place. This was his first real brush with competitive disappointment. When he tested for his white belt in Tae Kwon Do he got it. When he takes spelling tests, the only real tests he has in school right now, he never misses more than one which gives him a one hundred because his teacher gives them a "bonus" word.
So the Pinewood Derby was a great learning experience. Every boy does walk away with a Pinewood Derby badge but, I'm sure to the boys, it's not the same as a trophy. It was our chance to really emphasize to White Belt the fun that he had designing the car and the time he got to spend with his dad and Grandpa C building it. We also got to talk about everything that Dirty learned from being a judge and what he can do to help his car go faster next year. He really liked his design and when he had the chance to vote on best design he chose his boy. His is the bright green car in the middle of the picture.

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